24 - Hour Helpline: (575) 758-9888

Textline: (575) 770-2706

We Believe You - Survivors of Sexual Assault

CAV is here to serve all survivors of rape and sexual assault. We have begun posting these signs in local businesses in hopes of reaching out to people who need help.

Please call us if you need help or need someone to talk to about what's happened to you.

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program: Specially trained nurses are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide prompt and compassionate medical care in the aftermath of a sexual assault and to collect evidence that can be used now or in the future. Survivors have a right to a SANE exam whether or not they report the assault to law enforcement. A CAV advocate will accompany the survivor to the SANE unit at Holy Cross Medical Center and provide any type of follow-up support and advocacy needed. The SANE program can be reached through CAV’s 24-hour Helpline (575-758-9888) or the SANE 24-hour Helpline (575-751-8990). 

Our 24-Hour Helpline is: 575-758-9888 or call SANE 24-Hour Helpline is: 575-751-8990

If you are nervous about what will happen when you call, please visit here, "What To Expect When You Call Us."