24 - Hour Helpline: (575) 758-9888

Textline: (575) 770-2706

CAV's Business Sponsors


Each year we ask area businesses if they can show their support for CAV by becoming a business sponsor and helping us provide our free & confidential services to those in crisis.

Please thank them for their support by choosing to frequent their business!




Centinel Bank of Taos www.centinelbank.com

Hillcrest Bank www.hillcrestbank.com

Jean Rael, New York Life www.newyorklife.com or jrael@ft.newyorklife.com

Kit Carson Electric Cooperative www.kitcarson.com

KTAOS 101.9 www.ktao.com

Looks Like New Cleaning Services  www.lookslikenewllc.com

Piñon Investments www.pinoninvestmentsoftaos.com

Shank Salon https://getshanked.com

Taos County Association of Realtors www.taoscountyassociationofrealtors.com

Taos News www.taosnews.com

Taos Spa and Tennis Club www.taosspa.com

Taos Tennis at Quail Ridge www.taostennis.com




Cid’s Food Market www.cidsfoodmarket.com

Collignon Roofing www.collignonroofing.com

Diane Enright, Berkshire Hathaway www.taoshomes.com

Dimond Mortgage www.dimondmortgage.com and

Ted Dimond LPCC   www.teddimondlpcc.com

Guadalupe Credit Union www.guadalupecu.com

Humble Brands www.humblebrands.com

Magee Build www.MageeBuild.com

Metric Motors www.MetricMotors.net

Randall Lumber Company www.randalltaos.com

Ryan Trujillo, Page Sullivan Group www.taosrealestate.com

Salazar Road Veterinary Clinic https://salazarroadvetclinic.com

Taos Lifestyle www.taoslifestyle.com

Taos Mountain Builders www.taosmountainbuilders.com

Taos Net/Brownrice www.taosnet.com

Wanda Lucero Agency www.wandalucero.com




Blue Rain Gallery www.blueraingallery.com

Dan’s Carpet www.danscarpet.com

KNCE www.truetaosradio.com

Phoenix Mechanical, LLC www.phoenixmechanical.net

Pizaños www.taospizza.com

Prime Pest Control (No Website)

Ranchos Plaza Grill on Facebook - Ranchos Plaza Grill

Sagebrush Inn & Suites www.sagebrushinn.com

Wolfgang's Spa https://www.wolfgangspas.com/